Charge requests via CSV will be made by sending a CSV file through the Etpay platform at least 2 business days prior to the contract charge date. This process is done in the Direct Debit Charge Management section.

- File uploads must be done before 12:30 p.m. if there are 2 business days left before the charge date.
- Duplicates will not be accepted.
- A security limitation of 100,000,000 will be added to the amount.
- No** commas “,” must be included in descriptions.
- Charges with non-integer amounts or text will not be processed.
CSV charge request file:
On the Etpay platform you are allowed to download a csv charge template to fill in to make the request.
If you do not use the template, the format will be as follows:
For each line (1 per charge):
- rut: without periods or dashes and with check digit.
- merchant_order_id: identifier assigned by the merchant.
- amount: whole number without periods (only numeric characters).
- description: must have a maximum of 30 characters.
These will have the following format: