First, you must make a request to the following endpoint:
In the Header, it is necessary to declare the information you obtained during the Login process.
"Authorization": "eyJraWQiOiJNc2ZqVEZYSDdPV1d1emp3U3daaGlaZWZyNW9rVlVPeWpocVwvMzNNU2J6az0iLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJjOGJiZDRhMi0xYjgwLTRmOWYtOWM2My1h..."
You can include specific parameters in the URL to customize and provide detailed instructions for the domiciliation operation. These parameters act as additional instructions, allowing you to fine-tune the request according to your needs, whether by specifying transaction details or configuring specific options.
You can access the information of another merchant (associated with your account) by simply adding the "merchant_code" parameter.
The 'from' and 'to' parameters are related. If either of them is incorrect or not entered, the default will display the 24 hours of the current day. The query range is limited to 7 days.
For example, from = '01/01/2023' to = '13/01/2023' is incorrect as it exceeds the 7-day range, and the default 24 hours will be displayed.
Instead, from* = '11/02/2023' to = '16/02/2023' is correct and will display the information within that date range.
The 'size' and 'page' parameters allow you to query outgoing payment information in an organized manner. 'Size' is limited to a maximum of 500 data per request, and by default, 100 data will be displayed.
<aside> <img src="/icons/alien-pixel_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/alien-pixel_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> The parameters from and to are optional and may or may not be included in the request. If not provided, default values will be used, as explained earlier. On the other hand, the size and page parameters are necessary to query the information in an organized manner.