On the day of expiration of the charges sent, Etpay will receive from the bank the result of the requested charges, which may be successful or rejected.

The status of these charges will be updated in Etpay's internal database. The next business day, the operations team will reconcile these charges in order to ensure that the money from all successfully completed charges are in Etpay's account.

Once this process is completed, a CSV file will be sent to the merchant detailing which charges were accepted and which were rejected by the bank. This will be the official means by which the merchant can confirm whether a requested charge was successful or rejected.


This file will have the following name: {merchant_code}rendition{expiration_date_collections} where the expiration date is in DD_MM_YYYYYY format.


Payment,Rut,Amount,Bank,Payment Status,Rejection Code,Rejection Message,Merchant Code,Merchant Order ID,Number account


Example generated file

Payment,Rut,Amount,Bank,Payment Status,Rejection Code,Rejection Message,Merchant Code,Merchant Order ID,Number account
zUdcenvKuM39WrOEUUKXwd8Pt8IRRCOxvZMmjLQpKJyxFRW5OdET69VeF4wIOSdX,200808088,30000,049,rejected,R01,Fondos Insuficientes,cl_sandbox_decodes,34618418995968313