To use Payment Links you must log in to the ETpay platform:


The Platform service allows us to visualize in the "Home" the payments made in the last 24 hours, we can see the amount collected, conversion percentage, successful payments and finally if there are payments to be reviewed.

<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" width="40px" /> To access the Platform, a user name and password are provided to the store manager.


You will also be able to review the evolution of the amount collected, payments of each bank, final status of each bank and its percentage, and finally its evolution in terms of conversion:


In the "All payments" section you will be able to see the details of each payment and to indicate the date range with the option to export this information:


In the "Payment Links" section, you will be able to generate payment links and see their details:


To generate a payment link you must click on the "New payment" button, then we must follow the next 3 steps:


