With this functionality, we offer merchants the ability to access and review detailed information about the domiciled charges associated with their customers. This feature provides a transparent and detailed view of transactions, allowing for precise and efficient control of operations.


You will need to make a request to the following endpoint:



In the header, it is necessary to declare the information obtained during the Login Process.

    "Authorization": "eyJraWQiOiJNc2ZqVEZYSDdPV1d1emp3U3daaGlaZWZyNW9rVlVPeWpocVwvMzNNU2J6az0iLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJjOGJiZDRhMi0xYjgwLTRmOWYtOWM2My1h..."


You can integrate specific parameters in the URL to customize and provide detailed information for the domiciliation operation. These parameters act as additional instructions, giving you the flexibility to fine-tune the request according to your needs, whether by specifying transaction details or configuring specific options.